1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 18, 2013 6:42 AM by lfryc

    Arquillian/Selenium tests with WAS 8.5


      I use Arquillian/ShrinkWrap with embedded Glassfish for EJB and other JUnit testing during maven site creation. So far this works well.

      JSF user Interface testing was done manually until now, but some tests are so repetitive, that automating them becomes imperative. Hence Selenium shall be used.

      There would be no question if there would not be a WAS version to be tested too.

      Upon in a time a WAS test container existed, but was removed for license question as far as I know. So my question is:

      Is there a way to test with Arquillian/Selenium for the WebSphere target, or should I rather concentrate on a Selenium test version without Arquillian. The latter would be independent of the AppServer and test a deployed project version end to end, which could be an advantage too.

      Please tell me what you think, what you know.

        • 1. Re: Arquillian/Selenium tests with WAS 8.5

          You can always use Arquillian Drone extension to manage Selenium in your project.

          Further, you can also achieve Arquillian Graphene project as a extension for Selenium,

          which is great for for testing JSF applications.


          You can leverage those in standalone mode (either by using arquillian-junit-standalone or use test classes without @Deployment):


          you can find more relevant information in Graphene Documentation.

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