1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 6, 2009 4:13 PM by alesj

    Classloader ? ear ?



      I enconter a classloader problem into my application:
      an ear contains both a war and a jar.
      Both of these modules contains some business object saying com.bo.User (I mean that my User.class is present in my war and in my jar).

      The jar contains an EJB3 session bean that can return a User class... And I get a nexception: ClassCastException into my servet (from my war): impossible to cas a com.bo.User into com.bo.User...
      For sure a classloader problem. I was able to solve using the useJbossWebLoader(or something like that) flag in JBoss 4.X ...
      but this solution does not solve my problem when I user JbossAS5