0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2013 2:21 AM by batman567

    VariablePersistence upgrade/migration strategy


      we have an enterprise application running a.o. drools flow 5.1.1. we have many flows defined, and are processing high daily volumes, and have developed quite a dependence on JPA VariableInstance as per Variable Persistence Strategy (whether this is was a good idea or not is better left for another day)


      as from 5.1.2 the Variable Persistence Strategy was discarded (and classes VariableInstanceInfo, VariablePersistenceStrategyFactory, a.o. ) have disappeared.


      could anyone point me to some 'significant' documentation to offer some guidance to upgrade to 5.1.2, and then beyond to possibly even 5.5.0?  (i really have looked, but have been unable to find anything.  drools/jbpm documentation is unfortunately very thin in this regard)


      many thanks
