1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 11, 2013 9:14 AM by morellik

    Rendered problem




      I've to display an icon and related action only if an user appears in a (ManyToMany) list. I created a method to return True or False but doesn't work.


      <a4j:commandLink  id="Share" action="#{localUserEJB.shareUserRequest(n.email, n.firstName, n.lastName, n.creator.email)}"
                                                    rendered="#{request.isUserInRole('ADMINISTRATOR') and
                                                                (n.groups.get(0) eq 'UPLOADUSER' || n.groups.get(0) eq 'USER')
                                                                and !localUserEJB.isOwner(n.admin, localUserEJB.principal)
                                      <h:graphicImage id="userShare"


      public Boolean isOwner(List admin, String principal) {
              Boolean found = Boolean.FALSE;
              Class cls = admin.getClass();
              for (int i = 0; i < admin.size(); i++) {
                  System.out.println(admin.get(i) + " " + principal);
                  if (admin.get(i).equals(principal)) {
                      System.out.println("TRUE" + admin.get(0));
                      found = Boolean.TRUE;
              return found;


      The admin list appears like an org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList and I don't know how to compare a String object with each element of the list. I tryied also admin,compare without results. The method returns FALSE.


      The output is that:

      INFO: org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList

      INFO: morelli@test.it rossi@test.it

      INFO: rossi@test.it rossi@test.it

      INFO: false

      INFO: org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList

      INFO: morelli@test.it rossi@test.it

      INFO: rossi@test.it rossi@test.it

      INFO: false


      Where I wrong?