0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2013 1:44 AM by mullert

    MXBeans - can't add MXBean description via standard java annotations after upgrade to JBoss v7.1.1




      I'm within the migration process of our application from JBoss v5.1 to JBoss v7.1.1.

      After what I updated our MBeans codes to MXBeans I have a problem with adding descriptions (metadata) to our MXBean interfaces via standard java annotations.

      Same code was working fine in JBoss v5.1 and adds important description for MBean's operations/parameters to MBeanInfo.

      Such MBean description was then displayed in javax.management tools like JConsole or JMX Console so it is very useful.


      Here is a sample from our source codes:

      Sample MXBean Interface:


      @Description("Some nice description of whole MXBean")


      public interface XYMXBean {

          @Description("Some nice description of MXBean operation")

          String performSomeExecution(@PName("nicePrameterName") String parameterName);



      Sample MXBean Impl:



      public class XYMBeanImpl implements XYMXBean {

          private static final String MXBEAN_OBJECT_NAME = "com.abc.def:service=XY";

          private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(XYMBeanImpl.class);

          private ObjectName objectName;



          public void registerInJMX() {

          logger.debug("Registering MXBean: " + MXBEAN_OBJECT_NAME);

          this.objectName = MBeanHelper.registerInJMX(this, MXBEAN_OBJECT_NAME);




          public void unregisterFromJMX() {

          logger.debug("Unregistering MXBean: " + objectName.getCanonicalName());




          public String performSomeExecution(String parameterName) {

           // do some business logic





      1. MXBeans are correctly registered in MBean Server, I can see them and I can invoke their operations successfully
      2. @PName is very similar to @Description, it is different only with @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER}).
      3. In JBoss v5.1 we defined MBeans via org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Service, but since this annotation was removed, I migrated the codes to @MXBean and EJB3.1 as described in my sample code.

      Such @Description and @PName annotations were working in JBoss v5.1, but now in JBoss v7.1 these annotations doesn't fill MBeanInfo with provided description content.

      Am I wrong with my code or is there some known limitation I'm not aware of?


      Thanks a lot for any hint.

