0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2013 8:36 AM by somostetoikilato

    JBoss 7 - specifying a role for the management interface




      I am using JBoss 7 and I want to use an LDAP security realm for the management interface.

      For this I defined an outbound connection to our LDAP server, I created a new security domain where I

      specified all the parameters for LDAP and at the end I defined the LDAP security realm and I set it

      for the management interface.


      After restarting the JBoss I tried to log in using a valid username /password (existing in LDAP) but

      it was rejected and in log is:


      JBAS015231: User 'alabama' not found in directory.


      Previously I used the same username with JBoss 5, 6 and it was OK. The only difference is that

      in JBOSS/server/CONF/deploy/jmx-console.war/WEB-INF/web.xml it was specified the desired role name.


      How is it possible to specify the the role-name for a security-role in JBoss 7?

