1. Re: Netty 4 Integration Work
clebert.suconic Oct 16, 2013 11:19 PM (in response to gaohoward)The tests would fail even with NIO on our master...
I hate to add a temporary link (and from our VPN) but this is the build that last failed:
This is with NIO on our master.
It has a thread dump on it (I took a kill -3), so it will show what test was hanging and why.
I just took norman's netty4 branch and pushed to our upstream... it will need to be squashed and everything but it would be good enough for our devs.
And I just started a build on that branch as well:
As for the first day you will have to coordinate with AndyT and Norman. Currently Norman is the owner of the branch... I guess we will have to take the last snapshot from him and add it to master
Also: take a look on that run, maybe we will get some information to get started.