1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 17, 2013 4:34 PM by bleathem

    Behavioral difference between selectFirst on rich:autocomplete and rich:select




      Both components have the option 'selectFirst' but they behave differently on both components.

      With rich:autocomplete the first entry is shown in the input field. So if you type 'Ca' and the first entry would be California richfaces automatically appends 'lifornia' on the input field.


      However if you use a rich:select with enableManualInput="true" selectFirst="false" this doesn't happen. The list is narrowed down but the first item isn't actually selected. If you click away from the input field no item is being selected. The list does not contain simple strings but objects and a converter is used.


      To me this looks like a bug, as I can't see the difference between selectFirst="true" and selectFirst="false" on the rich:select component.


      <rich:select listHeight="300px" id="Fmty" value="#{integrationMessageLogList.messageType}" converter="#{integrationMessageTypeConverter}" enableManualInput="true" selectFirst="true" defaultLabel="start typing for type">
                                      <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{messages['noSelectionLabel.all']}" itemValue="ALL"/>
                                      <s:selectItems value="#{integrationMessageHelper.integrationMessageTypes}" var="imt" label="#{imt}"/>




