1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2013 9:20 AM by rr.smartics

    Newbie to extensions: JBAS014775: New missing/unsatisfied dependencies


      I have started developing extensions for JBoss AS 7. Starting a freshly unzipped JBoss (7.1.1) with my first serious extension (I have created two example extensions based on https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Extending+JBoss+AS+7 that start without problems) added to standalone.xml, I encounter the following problem: JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies


      12:17:54,763 Information [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.1.1.GA

      12:17:54,983 INFO  [org.jboss.msc] JBoss MSC version 1.0.2.GA

      12:17:55,015 INFO  [org.jboss.as] JBAS015899: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" starting

      12:17:55,648 INFO  [de.smartics.properties.jboss.extension.SubsystemExtension] Initializing properties extension

      12:17:55,778 INFO  [org.xnio] XNIO Version 3.0.3.GA

      12:17:55,778 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] JBAS015888: Creating http management service using socket-binding (management-http)

      12:17:55,784 INFO  [org.xnio.nio] XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.0.3.GA

      12:17:55,790 INFO  [org.jboss.remoting] JBoss Remoting version 3.2.3.GA

      12:17:55,795 INFO  [org.jboss.as.logging] JBAS011502: Removing bootstrap log handlers

      12:17:55,799 INFO  [org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 32) JBAS010280: Activating Infinispan subsystem.

      12:17:55,800 INFO  [org.jboss.as.configadmin] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 27) JBAS016200: Activating ConfigAdmin Subsystem

      12:17:55,802 INFO  [org.jboss.as.osgi] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 40) JBAS011940: Activating OSGi Subsystem

      12:17:55,803 INFO  [org.jboss.as.naming] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 39) JBAS011800: Activating Naming Subsystem

      12:17:55,814 INFO  [org.jboss.as.webservices] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 49) JBAS015537: Activating WebServices Extension

      12:17:55,815 INFO  [org.jboss.as.security] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 45) JBAS013101: Activating Security Subsystem

      12:17:55,825 INFO  [org.jboss.as.security] (MSC service thread 1-13) JBAS013100: Current PicketBox version=4.0.7.Final

      12:17:55,836 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector] (MSC service thread 1-16) JBAS010408: Starting JCA Subsystem (JBoss IronJacamar 1.0.9.Final)

      12:17:55,843 INFO  [org.jboss.as.naming] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS011802: Starting Naming Service

      12:17:55,852 INFO  [org.jboss.as.mail.extension] (MSC service thread 1-9) JBAS015400: Bound mail session [java:jboss/mail/Default]

      12:17:55,904 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 28) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class org.h2.Driver (version 1.3)

      12:17:56,139 INFO  [org.jboss.ws.common.management.AbstractServerConfig] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBoss Web Services - Stack CXF Server 4.0.2.GA

      12:17:56,258 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment.scanner] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015012: Started FileSystemDeploymentService for directory D:\server\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final-2\standalone\deployments

      12:17:59,279 INFO  [org.jboss.as.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS014774: Service status report

      JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:

            service jboss.binding.http (missing) dependents: [service jboss.web.connector.http]

            service jboss.binding.management-http (missing) dependents: [service jboss.serverManagement.controller.management.http]

            service jboss.binding.management-native (missing) dependents: [service jboss.remoting.server.management]

            service jboss.binding.osgi-http (missing) dependents: [service jboss.osgi.as.framework.bootstrap]

            service jboss.binding.remoting (missing) dependents: [service jboss.remoting.server.remoting-connector]

            service jboss.binding.txn-recovery-environment (missing) dependents: [service jboss.txn.ArjunaRecoveryManager]

            service jboss.binding.txn-status-manager (missing) dependents: [service jboss.txn.ArjunaRecoveryManager]

            service jboss.outbound-socket-binding.mail-smtp (missing) dependents: [service jboss.mail-session.java:jboss/mail/Default]

            service jboss.socket-binding-manager (missing) dependents: [service jboss.serverManagement.controller.management.http, service jboss.remoting.server.management, service jboss.remoting.server.remoting-connector]


      12:17:59,308 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015954: Admin console is not enabled

      12:17:59,309 ERROR [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015875: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" started (with errors) in 4750ms - Started 107 of 166 services (27 services failed or missing dependencies, 31 services are passive or on-demand)


      When I stop the server (Ctrl-C), I get this:


      12:23:32,617 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources] (MSC service thread 1-10) JBAS010409: Unbound data source [java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS]

      12:23:32,624 INFO  [org.jboss.as.logging] JBAS011503: Restored bootstrap log handlers

      12:23:32,637 INFO  [org.jboss.as.controller] JBAS014774: Service status report

      JBAS014776:    Newly corrected services:

            service jboss.binding.http (new available)

            service jboss.binding.management-http (new available)

            service jboss.binding.management-native (new available)

            service jboss.binding.osgi-http (new available)

            service jboss.binding.remoting (new available)

            service jboss.binding.txn-recovery-environment (new available)

            service jboss.binding.txn-status-manager (new available)

            service jboss.outbound-socket-binding.mail-smtp (new available)

            service jboss.socket-binding-manager (new available)


      12:23:32,638 INFO  [org.jboss.as] JBAS015950: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" stopped in 21ms


      If I remove my extension, the server starts without any problems.


      This is what I have done to integrate the extension (as shown in https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Extending+JBoss+AS+7#ExtendingJBossAS7-IntegratewithJBossAS7):



      <server xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:1.2">



              <extension module="de.smartics.properties.extension" />





            <subsystem xmlns="urn:de.smartics:properties:1.0">






      The module.xml is this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="de.smartics.properties.extension">


          <resource-root path="smart-properties-core-0.3.0.jar" />

          <resource-root path="smartics-properties-annotations-0.3.0.jar" />

          <resource-root path="smartics-properties-core-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" />

          <resource-root path="smartics-properties-jboss-extension-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" />



          <module name="javax.api" />

          <module name="org.jboss.staxmapper" />

          <module name="org.jboss.modules" />

          <module name="org.jboss.msc" />

          <module name="org.jboss.logging" />

          <module name="org.jboss.vfs" />

          <module name="com.google.code.findbugs.jsr305" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="com.google.guava" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="de.smartics.exceptions.smart-exceptions-core" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="de.smartics.exceptions.smart-exceptions-i18n" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="de.smartics.projectdoc.projectdoc-annotations" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="de.smartics.util.smartics-commons" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="javax.validation.api" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.beanutils-core" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.codec" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.commons-io" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.configuration" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.io" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.lang" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.apache.commons.logging" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.hibernate.hibernate-validator" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.jboss.as.controller" />

          <module name="org.jboss.as.naming" />

          <module name="org.jboss.as.server" />

          <module name="org.jdom" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.reflections" slot="smartics-properties-1" />

          <module name="org.slf4j.slf4j-api" slot="smartics-properties-1" />




      Searching on the internet I found that in the discussion JBoss 7, subsystem for Quartz, had the same problem, but unfortunately without a solution.


      I would be glad, if somebody could explain what JBAS014775 and JBAS014776 are trying to tell me. Is there any public available documentation for these codes?


      It seems that due to my extension and its dependencies (that is running through its initialization without complaints) JBoss does not manage to get its socket-bindings running. So maybe my extension has some negative impact on org.jboss.as.remoting? I am completely lost what the root cause could be, what log levels I could use for which components to get more information than what is already logged, and where to look for more information.


      Thanks in advance for any help!

        • 1. Re: Newbie to extensions: JBAS014775: New missing/unsatisfied dependencies

          Well, I found the problem in my code: The configuration parser of my extension did not eat up all the XML presented to it correctly. Therefore it *seems* that the parsing of the standalone.xml got out of sync and therefore missed to read the rest of the XML document correctly.


          So if anyone also encounters a problem yelling "JBAS014775!!": You may want to check the configuration parser of your extension.


          Hope this helps somebody fix her/his problem quicker than I did today ...