1. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 11, 2013 9:57 PM (in response to gaohoward)https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HORNETQ-682
The related Jira.
Memory leak so far I didn't found with the lastest build from hornetq master. I'll keep an eye on it however.
2. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 11, 2013 10:58 PM (in response to gaohoward) -
3. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 13, 2013 1:43 AM (in response to gaohoward)ok now i get the OOM as the load is going up.
4. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 18, 2013 2:09 AM (in response to gaohoward)Found another issue:
In ServerConsumerImpl
public HandleStatus handle(final MessageReference ref) throws Exception
if (availableCredits != null && availableCredits.get() <= 0)
NPE happened at the 'if' line. This is probably caused by StompSession.addSubscription(...), where a new consumer is created and receiveCredit is set. When a new consumer is just created the availableCredits is not null, but then it may be changed to null (see the addSubscription() method). If the timing is right, NPE will happen in handle() method at the above said line.
As a result, the consumer may be wrongly closed.
[HORNETQ-1279] NullPointerException during stomp delivery - JBoss Issue Tracker
6. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 19, 2013 9:17 AM (in response to gaohoward)Now I can get some data with the stomp_benchmark tool. I'm having issue with generating reports (html pages). I'll post the first html report soon.
7. Re: Stomp Benchmarking and Performance
gaohoward Nov 20, 2013 2:36 AM (in response to gaohoward)Here is the first report I made. There are three test result in it. 2.3.0.CR1 and ActiveMQ 5.8 are old products. 2.3.0 is actually build from my branch (from master).
It's still not stable as I can see there may be some bugs there. I'll try to fix them and upload more reports.
I can't make the benchmark run with ActiveMQ 5.9 because the configuration paths in the download changed so the script is not working. Anyway I'll focus on HornetQ for the time being untill it's stable and bug free.
report.zip 182.2 KB