1. Re: Compiling issues.. still.
eric.wittmann Nov 15, 2013 8:54 AM (in response to burmanm)These are disturbing (to me) results! First, can you list your OS type/version and JDK type/version? Also your Maven version? (I know following up on this sort of thing is a pain but it would be very helpful)
I've never seen that GWT error, but I did find this with a little searching:
Does anything there make sense?
As for the josql dependency problem, that's a mystery too, because I just did a "mvn dependency:tree | grep sql" on dtgov/dtgov-war and got nothing. Can you try doing a "mvn dependency:tree" and see if you can figure out where josql is coming from? To my knowledge we don't have a dependency on such a thing, and we certainly don't have a weird direct-ip-address repository defined anywhere!
2. Re: Compiling issues.. still.
kurtstam Nov 15, 2013 8:58 AM (in response to burmanm)Hi Michael,
I'm sorry to hear that it's not working for you.
1. I believe that artifact is a transient dependency from jBPM and was brought in with the integration bom. I think that has been fixed; our integration build was complaining too, but seems all right now.
2. We don't rely on the settings.xml for maven repos in the project; it should simply work as is.
[exec] [Fri Nov 15 11:37:12 EET 2013] MIME map can't be loaded:java.lang.NullPointerException
[exec] [Fri Nov 15 11:37:12 EET 2013] Servlet for path '/' already defined and no default will be used.
I believe is rest easy complaining and this error is harmless. Though if you know how to get rid of it I'd love to know.
4. I don't know why the GWT build would be failing.
Maybe you can hop onto irc #jbossoverlord on freenode and we can figure it out?
Thanks for hanging in there; you're almost there trust me!
3. Re: Compiling issues.. still.
burmanm Nov 15, 2013 11:15 AM (in response to kurtstam)So, here's the story. GWT issues were because of IBM JDK (use Oracle to compile GWT) and the latest updates have fixed the dependency issues.