2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2013 5:25 PM by lanceb8192

    JBoss A-MQ 6.1.0.Alpha - Git problems causing Fuse Mgt Console Errors


      I'm new to Fuse Fabric and I've just installed the new 6.1.0.Alpha version as our client needs replicated LevelDB.


      On the Management Console, I created a Fabric but on the resulting "Configuration" tab, I get an error and no Profiles are listed:


      TypeError: Cannot call method 'exists' of null
      at GitWikiRepository.exists (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/app/app.js:33266:24)
      at checkFileExists (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/app/app.js:33054:32)
      at Object.fn (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/app/app.js:32858:17)
      at Object.Scope.$digest (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/lib/angular.js:8821:27)
      at Object.Scope.$apply (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/lib/angular.js:9022:24)
      at HTMLDocument. (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/lib/angular.js:6154:22)
      at HTMLDocument.p.event.disp
      atch (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/lib/jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2:38007)
      at HTMLDocument.g.handle.h (http://devapp02.marlo.com.au:8181/hawtio/lib/jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2:33868)

      I used clicked [+Create] to create a test profile and saved it but the error occurs again and nothing is displayed on the Configuration Tab.

      I also notice that on the Fabric "Runtime" tab, under "manage", and selecting "root" and URLs tab, that the Git (& Jolokia) URLs are blank.


      1) Any thoughts?  The v6.0 documentation doesn't mention Git at all since I think it's new for 6.1

      2) Does anyone have any draft doco for 6.1.0 Alpha?