3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 27, 2013 7:35 AM by wdfink

    Using Jboss as embedded sever.


      My target is to deploy the EJB2.1 application on a strictly restriceted memory usage platform.


      I was previously using Jboss 4.2.3 for deploying my .ear application. I that case I able to see that the CPU utilization does not go beyoud 60% at any case and my maximum physical memory usage is below 512MB.


      I'm currently upgrading my application to Jboss 7.1.1. But now when I deploy my application in Jboss 7.1.1, I see the CPU utilization is mostly 90% and the physical memory usage goes more that 700MB and keeps on growing more.


      My application consist of nearly 60 EJBs(and few of them are MDBs) and also configured by HSQL as mem DB.


      My system configuration is 32bit Linux having 3GB RAM.


      Any idea of about how my memory might require by Jboss 7.1.1 to deploy an application of such configuration?

        • 1. Re: Using Jboss as embedded sever.

          From my experience AS7 will consume less memory and CPU.

          I recommend that you use a newer version as there are many fixes in the meanwhile.


          Maybe it depends on your JVM heap settings, as it might be that the JVM grab the memory which is available before GC.

          You might check the JVM settings for AS4 and AS7 and try it with the same Xmx and permgen settings if possible

          • 2. Re: Using Jboss as embedded sever.

            thanks for the responce.

            I tried using 7.2. But I'm getting more memorry occupied than 7.1.1. Could you suggest a ny version that i could try?

            • 3. Re: Using Jboss as embedded sever.

              You might use a self build AS7.2.0.FInal or use the EAP6.1.0.Alpha if you need a community version for production.

              How do you measure the memory consumption? The JVM might allocate more memory that it is actual used.

              If you start the server without any application the AS7 should have a very small footprint.