1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 5, 2013 5:53 PM by igarashitm

    sql binding query not using all fields


      I'm using SQL binding to retrieve some data and in my query I have this statement:  select * from account where ssn = #


      The account table has about 20 rows or so but the ssn is unique.  Anyway I'm following the SY QS example and I'm passing in the Account POJO into my service definition bean populated with only the ssn #.  When the SQL binding executes the select statement above, I get the java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index exception.  My feeling is that the select statement needs to have ALL fields parameterized, e.g. where ssn = # and accountId = # and .... in order for this to work.  I don't know where in SY sql binding you can just specify one column to parameterize