3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2013 9:10 AM by aslak

    Build deployments in deploy order




      currently there is no defined order in which the deployments are processed even though there is a deployment order defined.


      I'd prefer that the deployment processors like ApplicationArchiveProcessor, AuxiliaryArchiveProcessor/Appender or a ProtocolArchiveProcessor are invoked in this order as well.


      So when there are two @Deployments like

      @Deployment(name="deployment-1", order=1)

      public static Archive<?> deploy1() {...}


      @Deployment(name="deployment-2", order=2)

      public static Archive<?> deploy2() {...}


      ProtocolArchiveProcessor.process() is always invoke first for deployment-1 and afterwards for deployment-2.


      What do you think about that?


      If this is appreciated I could provide a PR for that.


      Kind regards,
