For example, if I write this rule :
RULE mock javax.mail.Transport.send
CLASS mypackage.MyClass
METHOD sendAMessage
# All sendAMessage methods are triggered
AT INVOKE javax.mail.Transport.send ALL
DO return
javax.mail.Transport.send and mypackage.MyClass.sendAMessage both return void.
Questions :
The DO return statement is applied on method mypackage.MyClass.sendAMessage and not on the method javax.mail.Transport.send.
Am I right ?
The goal is to skip only the invoked method.
If I am right, the only way to play code after the invoked method, is to replicate it, in a custom helper, and ends the DO statement by a return.
Am I right, also?
Ce message a été modifié par : Jean-Louis Pasturel oops, shame on me! It is not the best way to solve the problem to skip the method. Solution is : RULE mock javax.mail.Transport.send CLASS javax.mail.Transport METHOD send AT ENTRY # Controlling the Tree call IF callerEquals("mypackage.MyClass.sendAMessage", true,true) DO return ENDRULE Sorry for the noise
Ooops, the problem has a more simple solution, by directly triggering the send method of Transport and controlling, if necessary the tree call.
I modified the post, but it is not very readable.