1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 25, 2013 8:27 PM by karlvr

    How to add a database driver jar to Infinispan Server


      I am trying to use JDBC_PING with my jgroups configuration, which obviously requires the JDBC driver (org.postgresql.Driver). I have tried to discover how to include the PostgreSQL driver with Infinispan Server / AS 7.2 with no luck.


      I have tried putting the JAR into standalone/lib, standalone/lib/ext, standalone/deployments. I've tried creating a module in modules/org/postgresql/main, copying resource.xml files for PostgreSQL from tidbits I've discovered through searching. Nothing has made a bit of difference.


      I'm expecting that this is a really easy thing that I just can't find out how to do.


      Thanks in advance for your pointers!

      Best regards,
