1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 15, 2014 1:53 PM by amitsalyan

    jboss 7 deployment dilemma eclipse Vs standalone.bat


      I am using Eclipse plug in to deploy my J2EE application into JBoss 7 AS. I made changes to JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf as well as standalone.conf.bat changing the JVM heap sizes.

      When i deploy the application through the eclipse the JVM config changes are not refleted during the server start up. However when i start using the standalone.conf.bat the changes are reflected during the start up.

      Is there anything that i am missing  or eclipse fails to pick up from server?

        • 1. Re: jboss 7 deployment dilemma eclipse Vs standalone.bat

          As always help yourselves.

          I found the answer just in case  some one going through the same again.


          Eclipse plug in does not pick the configuration files in the JBoss installation directory and it only picks the standalone/domain.xml

          To reflect any changes in the configuration while running Jboss in Eclipse

          Double click on Server-> Open Launch Configuration -> And make necessary changes.