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1. Re: JBoss ESB 4.12 on JBoss EAP 6.1.1 ?
tcunning Jan 6, 2014 1:59 PM (in response to klind)JBoss ESB supports JBoss AS 5 and 6 deployment, but there's no JBoss AS 7 / Wildfly / EAP 6 support.
If you want to use JBoss ESB, I'd suggest starting on 5.1.0.GA, or if you want to use EAP 6, I'd suggest investigating SwitchYard (, which is a new project designed to be the next major version of ESB at JBoss.
For some more background, here's some similar threads that contain a little more of the background behind this and some interesting resources regarding SwitchYard :
2. Re: JBoss ESB 4.12 on JBoss EAP 6.1.1 ?
klind Jan 6, 2014 4:45 PM (in response to tcunning)Thanks for the quick reply.
So if I download the ESB with the server, do I then get the 5.1.0 ?
I will take a look at switchyard... but is that mature for a production env ??