0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 11, 2014 3:00 PM by sviluppatorefico

    ACL management


      Hi... I would get some guide on the ACL management in jboss 7 because I didn't find documentation about it.

      How it works? I've seen you can configure it in the xml file so:



                              <acl-module code="org.jboss.security.acl.ACLProviderImpl" flag="required">

                                  <module-option name="strategy" value="org.jboss.security.acl.JPAPersistenceStrategy"/>




      How is it called in a client?


      In a old documentation (http://server.dzone.com/articles/security-features-jboss-510-3) there is a sample:


                           ACLProvider provider = new ACLProviderImpl();

                           provider.setPersistenceStrategy(new JPAPersistenceStrategy());




      So the first declaration has no sense because the ACLProvider is instantiated again.

      Officially how I must call the ACL Provider? Is there an injected service?