1. Re: ShrinkWrap on Arquillian.org
rbattenfeld Jan 20, 2014 4:38 PM (in response to aslak)Hi Aslak
This sounds great. As you probably have many times realized, my mother tongue is not English:-)
But lets try this:
"The Shrinkwrap Descriptor project provides an uniformed fluent API for creating and modifying Java EE deployment descriptors on the fly. Starting from the very early JEE 1.3 to the brand new Java EE 7 version, the descriptor project includes almost all official deployment descriptors. Several vendor specific deployment descriptors, mostly JBoss related, are covered as well."
Ok. Maybe to much marketing:-) I know, It is still alpha.
2. Re: ShrinkWrap on Arquillian.org
kpiwko Jan 21, 2014 1:41 PM (in response to aslak)I love the idea. As for ShrinkWrap Resolver, what about following paragraph:
"The ShrinkWrap Resolvers project provides a Java API to obtain artifacts from a repository system. This is handy to include third party libraries available in any Maven repository in your test archive. ShrinkWrap Resolvers additionally allows you to reuse all the configuration you've already specified in Maven build file, making packaging of an application archive much easier job."
Ok. rbattenfeld could you put some nice marketing words on top of it? ;-)