Hey everyone,
I am having an issue regarding signing out of guvnor 5.5 once logged in with an authenticated user.
Here is what I have deployed:
1. Guvnor 5.5 Final
2. Tomcat 6.0.35
3. Mysql 5.5
I have guvnor deployed under tomcat, connected to a mysql database.
I resolved all the authentication issues I could locate on the issue lists. I replaced my seam jars with the 3.2 version. I created a table in mysql which has two users :
1. admin : which in my guvnor I have defined as admin
2. developer : which I have given read only permissions to a certain package.
I have a JAAS authentication in place with my module in defined.
When hit my guvnor, I can see the login dialog, and If I put the correct credentials I can login. "The only issue I am having is if I sign out of the admin account and sign in back with the developer, I am still admin. It works the other way around as well. If I restart my tomcat and initially login as developer, I will see the correct credentials. But if I sign out and sign in with admin, I do not have admin permissions."
I would greatly appreciate any help, thank you