1. Re: BASIC web authentication in domain configuration. Jboss 7
azharblitz Feb 7, 2014 8:46 AM (in response to azharblitz)Issue resolved:
caused due to the value jboss.server.config.dir returns -- standalone will return the correct, but on domain it returns the path of managed servers.
module-option name="rolesProperties" value="${jboss.domain.config.dir}/myrole-roles.properties"/>
<module-option name="usersProperties" value="${jboss.domain.config.dir}/myrole-users.properties"/>
P.s: If Jboss doesn't find the prop files it will give an error as below
PBOX000261: Failed to load users/passwords/roles files: java.io.IOException: PBOX000072: Properties file sampleJboss/domain/servers/domainName/configuration/users.properties /defaultUsers.properties not found
The above can now be treated as proper workable BASIC authentication example Jboss EAP. :-)
My first question & resolution..........