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1. Re: /_ah/login causes 404
luksa Feb 18, 2014 3:58 AM (in response to nikolay.mitev)Try renaming todolist-app-1.0.war to ROOT.war
I'll look into why it's not working under non-root context paths.
3. Re: /_ah/login causes 404
luksa Feb 18, 2014 4:19 AM (in response to luksa)There was also a similar bug in SingleThreadFilter that would cause channels not to work, when the app is deployed on a non-root context path (but only when the app was not marked as thread-safe in appengine-web.xml)
4. Re: /_ah/login causes 404
rimolive Aug 16, 2014 10:43 PM (in response to luksa)I'm facing the same issue, but I'm running on OpenShift. Is Capedwarf used by OpenShift the fixed version?
5. Re: /_ah/login causes 404
alesj Aug 19, 2014 4:44 AM (in response to rimolive)It's been a while since we updated CapeDwarf version on OpenShift.