1. Re: Pre-Populating SLSB EJB Pool
wdfink Feb 19, 2014 2:50 PM (in response to g.raviteja)No, ATM there is no setting for that.
Also remember that a value of "1000" for SLSB's seems a bit high as the counter is for each Bean type so you will have 1000*<num of Beans> pool entries
2. Re: Pre-Populating SLSB EJB Pool
g.raviteja Feb 20, 2014 7:45 AM (in response to wdfink)Thank you
Reducing the slsb limit caused blocking of EJB calls, when the number of parallel calls exceeded the pool limit.
We have changed our design to use Singleton in lock read mode (our design logic allowed that):
This has removed EJB instantiations and also removed the blocking.
An important fact to consider in design.
3. Re: Pre-Populating SLSB EJB Pool
wdfink Feb 20, 2014 7:51 AM (in response to g.raviteja)So you have indeed 1000 parallel invocations to the same bean.
In that case the @Singleton might be a possible solution, dependent on the use-case.