1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 20, 2014 10:26 AM by jfuerth

    Making ErraiBus work with App Engine


      OpenShift support App Engine through CapeDwaft so it just makes sense to make Errai work well with App Engine.


      The complete Errai client-server CDI is not possible right now when using GAE or CapeDwarf as a backend, only CDI in the browser works. However with the availability of App Engine Channel API, can the Erraibus not federate with this Channel API? And finally be able to user Errai to fire events client<->server?


      There is actually a Errai JIRA task for this created long time ago: [ERRAI-547] ErraiBus on GAE/CapeDwarf platform - JBoss Issue Tracker





        • 1. Re: Making ErraiBus work with App Engine

          Hi Xybrek,


          This isn't something we will have the time to implement, but we'd certainly be happy to look at a pull request that adds GAE/CapeDwarf Channels as another transport option in ErraiBus. We'd be looking for:


          1. A working implementation that doesn't interfere with or complicate deployment on a standard Servlet container
          2. Automated tests that demonstrate Channel communication working (probably using the GAE development/testing library)
          3. API documentation on any new types as appropriate
          4. A new section in the Errai Reference Guide that explains how to set up a GAE/CapeDwarf app


          We've got a good track record of working with community members who take the time to submit pull requests with new features and bug fixes. Close to 100% of pull requests have been merged. We know people put a lot of work into them, and we treat them as such!

