4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2018 1:21 PM by heruan

    How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final ?




      I'm using Wildfly 8 Final with standalone-full configuration.


      I used "Security Realms" (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY8/Security+Realms) and "Examples, Enable SSL" (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY8/Examples) to enable SSL for the security-realm "ManagementRealm". Wildfly starts successfully.


      But it isn't listening on management port 9993 (SSL).


      $ sudo netstat -tlnp

      Active Internet Connections (without servers)

      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State      PID/Program name  

      tcp    0           0          <public ip>:8080  *                        LISTEN       4691/java          

      tcp    0           0          <public ip>:9990  *                        LISTEN       4691/java       



      How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final properly, please?


      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final ?

          Hi, first you must configure a certificate and then change http-interface.


          Look this: http://middlewaremagic.com/jboss/?p=2461



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final ?

            As you have configuration that is not working for you it may be easier if you post it here so we can see how far you have come.


            For the http-interface you could be missing the step to actually enable the https port e.g.


            <http-interface security-realm="ManagementRealm">

                            <socket-binding  http="management-http" https="management-https" />


            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final ?



              Thanks very much to Filippe and Darran.


              Below my findings:


              I changed "<socket-binding http="management-http"/>" by "<socket-binding http="management-https"/>" on




                  <http-interface security-realm="ManagementRealm" http-upgrade-enabled="true">

                      <socket-binding http="management-https"/>





              Now, I'm able to get the Administration by URL1 below, but URL2 doesn't.


              URL1: http://<public ip>:9993/console/App.html#server-overview


              URL2: https://<public ip>:9993/console/App.html#server-overview


              But, following the Darran suggestion, I just did do:



              <socket-binding https="management-https"/>




              So, I am able to get Administration Console by HTTPS at tcp/9993 port.


              Thanks again.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: How to set up SSL for Administration Console on Wildfly 8 Final ?

                This unfortunately does not work in domain mode, as <http-interface> does not accept <socket-binding> children, but only <socket> and the default one is: <socket interface="management" port="${jboss.management.http.port:9990}"/>


                How can I change this to bind to HTTPS 9993?