0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2014 6:45 AM by objectiser

    Restructuring of rtgov-ui repo


      This post outlines the changes made to the rtgov-ui in the recent restructuring. The main purpose of the restructuring was to enable multiple service execution environments to be supported (currently only switchyard is supported), and make the backend capabilities more independent so they could more easily be tested.


      The first new module is rtgov-ui-core. This module contains the model shared between the client and server, as well as ServicesProvider and SituationsProvider interfaces.


      The rtgov-ui-services-switchyard module provides a switchyard implementation of the ServicesProvider API. Currently there is a simple isServiceKnown method to determine if a particular provider is responsible for providing information about a particular service. The implementation has also been changed to use JMX, rather than the domain model, to ensure interoperability with switchyard when running on Fuse. This implementation does not currently retrieve metrics.


      The rtgov-ui-situations module provides a rtgov based implementation of the SituationsProvider API. This module also contains a new API for a SituationStore, that will eventually be integrated into the rtgov core, as an abstraction for accessing situations regardless of the implementation used.


      The situation-store-jpa module provides a JPA implementation of the new SituationStore API. This has been refactored from the old RTGovRepository class.


      The tests-jbossas-services-switchyard module provides an arquillian test for the switchyard services provider. The instructions for running the test are on the main page of the GitHub rtgov-ui repo. Note: there is currently an issue when running this test as part of a full build - although strangely it runs fine when executed on its own. This issue has been recorded here: [RTGOV-355] UI integration tests fail when run as part of full build - JBoss Issue Tracker


      The Eclipse Development Environment instructions have been updated, and are now located here: Setting Up Eclipse Development Environment · Governance/rtgov-ui Wiki · GitHub


      The only change to the instructions was the addition of the 'rtgov-ui-core' project to the classpath of the Development Server runtime configuration.


      Let me know if there are any issues with these changes.