I am using Envers version 3.6.10.
I have the following configuration :
public abstract class V{
protected string v;
protected A a;
this is a super class.
public class Z extends V{
public class A {
protected V v
The class' mapping Z contains the property of the super class V. The table Z_AUD contains this column too.
When Z is audited, the property v is always a null value.
In the class A mapping, the reference to the property V is a ManyToOne relation.
1st :
I want the property V v of the class A is not audited. I try these annotations @NotAudited, @Audit(targetAuditMode = relationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED) or @AuditOverride (name="v", isAudited = false")
Nothing works. Envers want to audit V, but V is a superClass and can't be audited.
2nd :
I've tried to annotate the super class with @MappedSuperclass, the field v in the class V annotated with @Audited, the field A a annoted with @NotAudited and the class I annotated with @Audited(auditParents = {V.class})
Property v is still null.
I have the following stacktrace :
could not init listeners
org.hibernate.Mappng An audited relation from A.v to a not audited entity V, such mapping is possible, but has to be explicitly defined using @audited(targetAuditMode = NOT_AUDITED).
I have already try to put this annotation on this property and it changes nothing.