1. Re: Remotely Managing HornetQ
jbertram Mar 6, 2014 12:23 PM (in response to jdiscar)I've been doing Management via JMS using JMSManagementHelper. I use it frequently to monitor our message counts and rarely to dynamically create topics. However, I've found the interface confusing and messy to use.
That's not terribly surprising since management via JMS (or Core) is essentially de-typed.
I was wondering if there was a design reason that adapters aren't provided so that putAttribute/putOperationInvocation could be avoided.
Have you looked at org.hornetq.tests.integration.jms.server.management.JMSMessagingProxy? You can see, for example, how this is used in org.hornetq.tests.integration.jms.server.management.JMSQueueControlUsingJMSTest.
I found the ResourceNames class, but it wasn't very clear what @operationName were valid for each resource. I'm assuming they match up as follows:
JMS_CONNECTION_FACTORY / ConnectionFactoryControl
JMS_QUEUE / JMSQueueControl
JMS_SERVER / JMSServerControl
JMS_TOPIC / TopicControl
Is that right?
Yes, that's right.
Are all methods in the corresponding classes remotely accessible?
Yes. The server invokes the methods by reflection so as long as you use the proper name and parameters then the method will be invoked.
We have a task to document this ([HORNETQ-1088] Document management operations more clearly) but other priorities have superseded it. Please feel free to contribute if you can.