Instructions for running ElasticSearch/Kibana demo with RTGov
objectiser Mar 19, 2014 5:33 AMThis post describes how to get the demo up and running that was associated with the screencast described here: Preview of ElasticSearch/Kibana integration with runtime governance
- Download ElasticSearch version 1 from Download | Elasticsearch
- Unpack the distribution
- From the bin folder, run ./elasticsearch to run the server
Once the server has been started, the next step is to initialize the parts of the schema that require configuration. All other parts of the schema (or mapping) are created dynamically as new data structures are stored. NOTE: The intention is for this to be performed by the EPN/KeyStore implementation eventually.
First step is to create the index:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/rtgov'
and then define properties about a specific type:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/rtgov/responsetime/_mapping' -d ' { "responsetime" : { "properties" : { "serviceType" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" } } } } '
This customisation is required to avoid ElasticSearch processing the service type (which is a qname with {} and: characters), which results in a single value being treated as multiple parts.
The following instructions apply to both the community version of EAP+SwitchYard+RTGov, or the product FSW 6.0:
- Download the 'elasticsearch-sample-<platform>.zip' attachment and unpack into the RTGov samples folder (or quickstarts/overlord/rtgov folder for FSW). Run "mvn clean install" in the samples/elasticsearch folder.
- Deploy the built "elasticsearch/basic/target/elasticsearch-basic.war" to the standalone/deployments folder. NOTE: When the server starts up, it will report an error related to a missing acs.json file - this can be ignored. This war provides the capability of storing activity events, response times and situations into the ElasticSearch index.
- Clone and build the master branch of the rtgov-ui github repo: Governance/rtgov-ui · GitHub . Once built, copy the ${rtgov-ui}/overlord-rtgov-ui-war-eap61/target/overlord-rtgov-ui.war into the standalone/deployments folder.
- If using FSW, don't forget to enable collection of activity information, by setting the 'collectionEnabled' property in the standalone/configuration/ file to true.
- Before being able to test out the dashboard, it is necessary to create some activity events, as this initialises the mapping in ElasticSearch. This can be done by either:
- deploying the Overlord rtgov samples/ordermgmt quickstarts and running the java client from the ordermgmt/app folder (see readme in that folder for instructions)
- run the samples/activityclient - (see readme instructions in that folder)
- Start the RTGov UI (http://localhost:8080/rtgov-ui/index.html) and navigate to the Analytics page.
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