0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 13, 2014 10:51 AM by arnaud.pascal

    jBPM Form-modeler localization


      Hello dear jBPM users,


      I am trying to use the jBPM Form Modeler (for jBPM 6.0.0) to create forms.

      I have several questions about the components I want to create:

      - How can I manage internationalization ? I mean, designing forms which can be in several languages, depending on the end-user preferences, or the server configuration, or ...) So far, I have not found any tip googling, so help would be welcome.). I had in mind to set the label of a field as ${my.form1.field0.label} and put a properties file to define the values of each key.

      - Is it possible to hide the help text in form fields, if ths end user does not want to see them ?

