2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 16, 2014 2:00 PM by ivan_stefanov

    [forge-dev] EJB dependency in Forge 2


      Hi folks,


      I noticed the following thing in Forge 2. When you setup EJB and you choose

      version 3.1 of the spec, you get the following dependency:

      javax.ejb:ejb-api:3.0-alpha-1. So even though I explicitly say that I want

      EJB 3.1, I get 3.0. As a result I am not able to have things like Singleton

      beans for example (that is how I caught the issue).


      Isn't it better to stick to the other Java EE dependencies and use

      the org.jboss.spec.javax artifact? I saw that it is there in

      the EJBFacetImpl_3_1 class, but it is not added eventually to the pom.


