1. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
jmesnil Apr 14, 2014 4:40 AM (in response to crazycradd)peter craddock wrote:
The only problem I have is that the JMS Topic will not connect.
I have had a look at the schema and you do not seem to have a https-connector I can set up so I tried altering the binding to use https but this still fails.
<http-connector name="http-connector" socket-binding="http"> <param key="http-upgrade-endpoint" value="http-acceptor"/> </http-connector> You should also modify the corresponding http-acceptor accordingly so that it uses the https-listener that you added to the undertow subsystem.
2. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
crazycradd Apr 14, 2014 5:08 AM (in response to jmesnil)Here is the jms config
<connectors> <http-connector name="http-connector" socket-binding="https"> <param key="http-upgrade-endpoint" value="http-acceptor"/> </http-connector> <http-connector name="http-connector-throughput" socket-binding="http"> <param key="http-upgrade-endpoint" value="http-acceptor-throughput"/> <param key="batch-delay" value="50"/> </http-connector> <in-vm-connector name="in-vm" server-id="0"/> </connectors> <acceptors> <http-acceptor http-listener="default" name="http-acceptor"/> <http-acceptor http-listener="default" name="http-acceptor-throughput"> <param key="batch-delay" value="50"/> <param key="direct-deliver" value="false"/> </http-acceptor> <in-vm-acceptor name="in-vm" server-id="0"/> </acceptors> And here is the undertow listerners, I made the https listener the default so I think the acceptor is correct
<server name="default-server"> <http-listener name="local" socket-binding="http"/> <host alias="localhost" name="default-host"> <location handler="welcome-content" name="/wildfly"/> <filter-ref name="server-header"/> <filter-ref name="x-powered-by-header"/> </host> <https-listener name="default" security-realm="ssl-realm" socket-binding="https"/> </server> -
3. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
jmesnil Apr 14, 2014 5:34 AM (in response to crazycradd)What is the error you have? Can you past the server and client logs so that I can have more information on your problem?
4. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
crazycradd Apr 14, 2014 5:48 AM (in response to jmesnil)Here is the client error
10:39:13,372 ERROR [EntityEventWatcher] failed to start jms com.cedar.cp.api.base.CPException: can't create topic entityEventTopic
javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to create session factory
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createConnectionInternal(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:673)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:193)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:188)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl$AbstractJmsTopic.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:289)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl$JmsTopicSubscriber.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:416)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:36)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.CPConnectionImpl.getJmsConnection(CPConnectionImpl.java:437)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher.init(EntityEventWatcher.java:30)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher.access$200(EntityEventWatcher.java:10)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher$1.run(EntityEventWatcher.java:57)
Caused by: HornetQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=HQ119007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ServerLocatorImpl.createSessionFactory(ServerLocatorImpl.java:905)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createConnectionInternal(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:669)
... 9 more
com.cedar.cp.api.base.CPException: can't create topic entityEventTopic
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl$AbstractJmsTopic.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:299)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl$JmsTopicSubscriber.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:416)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:36)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.CPConnectionImpl.getJmsConnection(CPConnectionImpl.java:437)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher.init(EntityEventWatcher.java:30)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher.access$200(EntityEventWatcher.java:10)
at com.cedar.cp.impl.base.EntityEventWatcher$1.run(EntityEventWatcher.java:57)
Caused by: javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to create session factory
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createConnectionInternal(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:673)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:193)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:188)
at com.cedar.cp.util.common.JmsConnectionImpl$AbstractJmsTopic.<init>(JmsConnectionImpl.java:289)
... 6 more
Caused by: HornetQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=HQ119007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ServerLocatorImpl.createSessionFactory(ServerLocatorImpl.java:905)
at org.hornetq.jms.client.HornetQConnectionFactory.createConnectionInternal(HornetQConnectionFactory.java:669)
... 9 more
No error on the server at this point.
If I log onto the web pages and do some work I get no error either so I suspect the web tier is connecting correctly (I will check this further but it appears to be ok at this point).
5. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
jmesnil Apr 14, 2014 8:47 AM (in response to crazycradd)I reproduced your use case and I confirm there is an issue with using http-upgrade and https with HornetQ. [HORNETQ-1317] Error connecting with http-upgrade mechanism against https port on WildFly - JBoss Issue Tracker was open some times ago and looks to be similar to the issue you are facing.
6. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
crazycradd Jun 5, 2014 8:47 AM (in response to jmesnil)I have just downloaded 8.1 and the problem still seems to exist, do I need to alter the config to get this to work
7. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
markusschwarz Jul 23, 2014 9:36 AM (in response to crazycradd)Hi,
is this solved now? Because as you already imagine I'm facing the same problem.
Do we have to upgrade to HornetQ 2.4.2.FINAL in order to get it work in Wildfly 8.1.0.FINAL or is it a configuration problem?
Regards, Markus
8. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
ks-appendium Sep 17, 2014 7:17 PM (in response to crazycradd)Hi,
Has anyone been able to solve this? I have tried to replace hornetq with hornetq 2.4.3.Final in wildfly installation and still getting an error.
9. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
crazycradd Sep 18, 2014 2:26 AM (in response to ks-appendium)I have chased this up recently and the Jira issue Jeff has added a link to above has been resolved.
The problem is the Jira log was resolved before wildfly 8.1 was released and the issue was still in 8.1.
8.2 is getting ready to release so I have been in touch with the wildfy and hornetq developers to find out if this will be included in that release. Once I have an answer I will update this thread.
10. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
ks-appendium Sep 18, 2014 4:13 AM (in response to crazycradd)Hi,
Saw this jira [WFLY-3658] Upgrade HornetQ to 2.4.3.Final - JBoss Issue Tracker but it is done only for Wildfly 9 branch. On 8.x branch as at 18/9 it is still using hornetq 2.4.1.Final. @jeffmesnil can we please backport this to 8.x branch? Thanks
I doubt this is the problem however as I have replaced the hornetq version from 2.4.1.Final to 2.4.3.Final in 8.1.0.Final to use and had the same issue. It looks like the problem is when it is trying to retrieve a jmsConnectionFactory using https.
Is there a working quickstart guide that can be followed to get jms on https working?
11. Re: Problem connecting to jms topic when using https
crazycradd Nov 27, 2014 7:47 AM (in response to crazycradd)I also get the same problem in wildfly 8.2 and in the wildfly 9 nightly build I have raised this Wildfly 8.2 JMS Topic connection over https to see if I can get clarification.