0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 19, 2004 8:43 AM by raj_kumar

    database and EJB's cascade delete


      hi ...
      i would like to ask u a question .. i'm having problem with cascade delete in EJB i'm using MY-SQL as a database ... the problem is when i set (fk-constriant and cascade-delete ) in my database then JOBSS dont cascade delete but when i remeoves and put the cascade-delete in my ejb-jar and fk-constraint= false ... it works fine ... but there is the problem that i want to used database fk constriant beacuse there are some more table which are depepndent upon it ... pls do tell me what are the should i do in my EJB to use cascade delete.... of database beacuse if i dont put cascade delete in my database and tries to delete tables then it throws exception ... what should i do pls tell me ?. what setting i must use and where all changes must be done to use databse as well as EJB cascade delete..?
