0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2014 5:41 AM by kishi_kiran

    rendering problem with selecte one checkboxes which is in different forms


      Hi All,


      I have a problem while rendering the selectBooleanCheckbox, 


      <fieldset style = " float:left;   height:110px;   margin-left:10px;   width:200px">

          <legend style = "margin-left: 10px;">Planning Filter</legend>

          <h:form id = "definitionEditfilter" ajaxSubmit = "true" style = "height:60px; width:220px; ">


              <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id = "filter" label = "filter"

                                       value = "#{planningBean.planningFilter}">

                  <a4j:ajax event = "click" ajaxSingle = "true" immediate = "true"/>


              <h:outputText value = " Applied Filter="/>




      <fieldset style = " float:left;   height:110px;   margin-left:10px;   width:200px">

          <legend style = "margin-left: 10px;">Consumer Preference</legend>

          <h:form id = "consumerFilter" ajaxSubmit = "true" style = "height:60px; width:220px; ">

              <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id = "filter" label = "preference" value = "#{planningBean.isCustomerPreference()}"

                                       disabled = "#{!planningBean.customerPreference}">

                  <a4j:ajax event = "click" immediate = "true" ajaxSingle = "true"></a4j:ajax>



              <h:outputText value = " Applied Filter="/>




      here i wanted to do is like,


      1. by default the 2nd checkbox is set as false and 1st checkbox as true by doing some functionlity, here 2nd checkbox got disabled but 1st checkbox value have true in backing bean but it is not checked in UI.

      2. when i check the 1st checkbox the 2nd checkbox should be unchecked,disabled and vice versa.,


      please help me on this ?

      i think when ever the control comming from top to bottom the 2nd checkbox as false and 1st one is true but in the UI the 2nd one is disabled and unchecked but the 1st one enabled but not checked