2 Replies Latest reply on May 9, 2014 4:50 PM by saria-sarsoura.2014

    A problem with KIE Workbench




      The first time when I try to work with KIE Workbench, I didn't encounter problem!

      Now after I have been make the same steps , I obtained the home page .

      But when I logged In using username and password (admin, admin ) or (krisv, krisv) or (salaboy, salaboy) or ... , It opened but :

      • I obtained this error : error.jpg
      • Once I tried to show the process evaluation.bpmn2, I obtained this problem : problem.jpg

      It's the first time when I encounter like this error!, before it worked well !!!.

      Below is the file : server.log

      Have you please any suggestions to resolve this error ?!.


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: A problem with KIE Workbench

          the first error is most likely caused by corrupted pom.xml of the project you have worked with. So check the content of pom.xml via Administration persspective where you can open file as xml.

          Second is actually issue with Chrome browser in version 34 where SVG processing is broken. So either downgrade chrome to 33 or use FireFox



          • 2. Re: A problem with KIE Workbench

            Hello Sir,



            Thanks at all for your attention !.

            My PC is crashed, that's why my response is delayed !.

            As you saw it's a problem with google chrome browse.

            So it's solved .




            Cordially greetings.

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