1. Re: How to allow CORS
arteme May 7, 2014 5:52 PM (in response to scisci)Hi,
You'd want to add something like an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" header, right?
RESTEasy context mapper (like HTTP context mapper) will take any property from the context with HTTP endpoint label on it and promote it to a HTTP header on the reply. So you need to do something like this:
context.setProperty("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").addLabels(new String[]{ EndpointLabel.HTTP.label() });
2. Re: How to allow CORS
scisci May 8, 2014 12:02 PM (in response to arteme)Hi Artem,
I've tryed what you suggested but didn't work, no header was added
In my ServiceBean implementation 've added
@Inject private Context context;
and before return I've added you code.
I've also tryed to add the scope ( I've read the document of context mapping but I think is outdated, On version 1.1.0 there are only EXCANGE e MESSAGE scope ). by deafult is MESSAGE
Is there any other suggestion ?
3. Re: How to allow CORS
trohovsky May 9, 2014 9:53 AM (in response to scisci)Setting of headers on a response is a bit tricky in a bean component. Try to use the following code:
Exchange exchange;
public String greet(String name) {
Message message = exchange.createMessage();
message.setContent("Hello " + name);
message.getContext().setProperty("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return null;
4. Re: How to allow CORS
scisci May 12, 2014 4:15 AM (in response to trohovsky)Hi,
I've tried to inject exchange but there was an error of Nullpoint Exception at run time.
I've tried another solution , I've used ExchangeInterception
public class DealsInterceptor implements ExchangeInterceptor {
public void before(String target, Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException {
// Not interested in doing anything before the provider is invoked
public void after(String target, Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException {
if (exchange.getProvider().getName().getLocalPart().equals("ContabilizzazioneService") && ExchangeState.OK.equals(exchange.getState()))
Context context = exchange.getContext();
context.setProperty("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").addLabels(new String[]{ EndpointLabel.HTTP.label() });
public List<String> getTargets() {
return Arrays.asList(PROVIDER);
This solution add the property on exchange.context.
I've also replace deafault ContextMapper with this:
public void mapFrom(RESTEasyBindingData source, Context context) throws Exception
super.mapFrom(source, context);
public void mapTo(Context context, RESTEasyBindingData target) throws Exception
//super.mapTo(context, target);
Map<String, List<String>> httpHeaders = target.getHeaders();
for (Property property : context.getProperties())
String name = property.getName();
Object value = property.getValue();
//LOGGER.info("Property name : " + name + " value : " + value.toString());
if ((value != null) && (matches(name) || property.hasLabel(EndpointLabel.HTTP.label())))
// LOGGER.info("Property name : " + name + " value : " + value.toString());
if (HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS.equals(name))
if (value instanceof List)
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Object obj : ((List)value))
if (obj != null)
httpHeaders.put(name, stringList);
else if (value instanceof String)
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
httpHeaders.put(name, list);
LOGGER.info("Access-Control-Allow-Origin : " + httpHeaders.get("Access-Control-Allow-Origin").toString());
and the property was added to HttpHeaders.
But at http response on client there isn't the header Access-Control-Allow Origin
is there anyone help me?
Where am I doing wrong ?
5. Re: How to allow CORS
trohovsky May 12, 2014 12:48 PM (in response to scisci)I would definitely go the Exchange injection way. It works well for me. Are you sure you imported org.switchyard.Exchange and not org.apache.camel.Exchange? Maybe setting of <contextMapper includes=".*"> in the binding may solve your issue.
6. Re: How to allow CORS
tadayosi Jul 9, 2014 4:12 AM (in response to scisci)For anyone who is interested, I created a working example project for enabling CORS in SwitchYard here:
samples-switchyard/rest-cors at master · tadayosi/samples-switchyard · GitHub
7. Re: How to allow CORS
tadayosi Nov 12, 2014 11:52 PM (in response to scisci)As it turned out, none of these approaches discussed here can support CORS preflight requests yet. So I filed a RFE to address it:
[SWITCHYARD-2460] Support CORS for RESTEasy binding - JBoss Issue Tracker
8. Re: How to allow CORS
ramandeep Feb 2, 2016 6:06 AM (in response to scisci)Hi Mirko ,
I have a similar requirement , I have a switchyard project where I am exposing rest services
is it possible allow cross orignin resource sharing?How to add need headers on http response?
what was the solution you found for this Issue ? Many thanks in advance
9. Re: How to allow CORS
tadayosi Feb 5, 2016 11:58 AM (in response to ramandeep)Please refer to my reply: Re: How to implement cross domain resource sharing in switch yard