1 Reply Latest reply on May 8, 2014 7:03 PM by pferraro

    Wildfly 8.0.0 domain-mode, mod_cluster 1.2.6: No Session Replication!


      Hello !


      I'm new with wildfly and LB like mod_cluster, but wanted to test it. So I've started with the guide at:

      WildFly 8 Cluster Howto - WildFly 8 - Project Documentation Editor


      Everything works fine, but Session replication don't work.

      Exact: It seems, that my Session-Object is not replicated, but the session ID is replicated though. I'm confused about that.


      My Servlet-Example does the following output:

      out.println("RUNNING on JBoss bound to " +  System.getProperty("jboss.server.name")+"<br><br>");

      Date d=null;

      HttpSession ses=request.getSession(false);

      if (ses==null)  {


        d=new Date();

        ses.setAttribute("time", d);


      else {



      out.println("TIME in Session: "+d.toString()+"<br>");

      out.println("SESSION: "+request.getSession().getId());


      Accessing the Servlet several times, I get the following:

      First access:

      RUNNING on JBoss bound to server-one

      TIME in Session: Thu May 08 09:35:36 CEST 2014

      SESSION: U6hJSfkLw4iu2AxpWzSPxcsR

      Second access:

      RUNNING on JBoss bound to server-one1

      TIME in Session: Thu May 08 09:37:40 CEST 2014

      SESSION: U6hJSfkLw4iu2AxpWzSPxcsR


      If I shutdown one of the Wildfly-Servers, the other one is doing the job, but with its own session-object.


      I've done everything the tutorial above and other one's advise, but there seems to be no solution for that.


      My environment: Apache 2.2.25 with modcluster 1.2.6 on Windows, Wildfly DC and HC ("server-one") on RHEL-Server 1 and Widlfly HC ("server-one1") on RHEL-Server 2.

      I've got no error-logs in apache- or wildfly-logs.


      Would really appreciate any helpful answer.

      Thank you!

