1. Re: Starange Transaction Behaviour of REQUIRES_NEW
wdfink May 13, 2014 2:20 AM (in response to puneetsrivastava)Did you have a simple reproducer for this?
As you are using an older EAP versions I would recommend to open a support case here https://access.redhat.com/home
2. Re: Strange Transaction Behaviour of REQUIRES_NEW
tomjenkinson Jun 18, 2014 9:07 AM (in response to wdfink)+1 I would say we need a reproducer for that behaviour. I am not even sure how it would be possible. What are you doing in EJB1? I assume some other transactional work?
3. Re: Strange Transaction Behaviour of REQUIRES_NEW
renga.samy7 May 12, 2015 12:47 AM (in response to puneetsrivastava)What Puneet is saying is that the connection that is started/used in the parent transaction, if it is used in a REQUIRES_NEW child transaction, then the changes done by child transaction on top that connection is only visible when the parent transaction commits.
I think this behaviour might be due to the Parent transaction not delisting the resource when it calls the REQUIRES_NEW child transaction and so the changes done by both parent and child on top of same connection is visible only when the parent transaction is committed.
Work Around that i tried is using a new connection for very transaction in this case REQUIRES_NEW behaviour is correct.
So i think its a problem with the transaction and its resource associations. Something is going wrong here. enlist/delist or JCA issue or do JBOSS demands new connection for very transaction?
4. Re: Strange Transaction Behaviour of REQUIRES_NEW
tomjenkinson May 12, 2015 8:01 AM (in response to renga.samy7)Hi,
I think you will need to try to reproduce this on WFLY. There are many many enhancements since EAP 5.2 and it would be difficult to be sure its not something that has been subsequently modified. Alternatively if you have a support contract I would recommend raising a ticket with the support team to get it looked into.
Sorry I can't be more help,