1. Re: Install and inventory a new JBoss server and webapp
mazz May 13, 2014 3:18 PM (in response to raylite3)That is a good question. You should be able to add a "post-install" target to your bundle - so that when you deploy the bundle, and its post-install target is run, you can have it start the server as soon as its deployed.
I think I remember someone in the community doing this very thing. I don't remember who, or when. But I'm pretty sure its possible to do this.
Once the bundle with your EAP and webapp is deployed and started, you just log into RHQ Server as a user with the appropriate permissions and import your EAP 6 into inventory.
2. Re: Install and inventory a new JBoss server and webapp
raylite3 May 13, 2014 4:51 PM (in response to mazz)OK, I see that antcall cannot be used to launch the server. Maybe use the exec task instead ?
Will the deployer invoke the post-install synchronously ? If there is a failure in the post-install, can I fail the deployment ?
3. Re: Install and inventory a new JBoss server and webapp
raylite3 May 28, 2014 9:42 PM (in response to mazz)Is it possible to add a new server to the inventory using the CLI ? I see that StandaloneASDiscovery/BaseProcessDiscovery have the ManualAddFacet. So does that mean that I should be able to add it using the CLI?