ListShuttle and validation
qakane May 23, 2014 3:52 AMHello,
I know that this problem was already discussed, but solution from those topics doesn't work in my situation....
So... Could you help me by some tips or something same, if possible? I will be greatly pleased.
Well, I have form:
<h:outputText value="Select Location" />
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.mainLocation}"
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.locationsList}" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{myBean.isMainLocationExists}">
<rich:separator align="left" />
<rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{myBean.locationsForCascading}" id="ls"
targetValue="#{myBean.cascadedLocations}" var="items"
sourceListWidth="180" targetListWidth="180"
sourceCaptionLabel=" "
targetCaptionLabel="Locations that cascade <br>through #{myBean.mainLocation}"
fastOrderControlsVisible="false" orderControlsVisible="false"
<h:outputText value="#{items.location}" />
<h:panelGroup styleClass="leftalignclass">
<h:commandButton value="Save"
with bean:
<a4j:keepAlive beanName="myBean" />
and code:
public abstract class MyBBean extends DomainDataBB implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private MgmtIF mgmt = getMgmt();
private PortletTabs portletTabProperty = null;
private String mainLocation = null;
private String | oldMainLocation = null; |
private List<LocationData> locationsForCascading;
private List<LocationData> cascadedLocations;
List<SelectItem> locationsList;
public MyBBean() {
locationsList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
* @return INITIAL_VIEW
public String saveChanges() throws Exception {
private void validateCascadedLocations(){
LocationData mLocation = new LocationData(this.mainLocation);
if ((cascadedLocations.size() > 0) && (cascadedLocations.contains(mainLocation))) {
public boolean isMainLocationExists() throws Exception {
if (mainLocation == null) {
return false;
return true;
public void setMainLocationExists(boolean hlNull) {
// Do nothing
public void changeMainLocation(ValueChangeEvent event) throws Exception {
getPortletTabProperty().setSelectedTab(getTabName()); | |
setMainLocation0((String) event.getNewValue()); | |
return INITIAL_VIEW; |
public List<SelectItem> getLocationsList() throws Exception {
if(locationsList.size() == 0){
return locationsList;
synchronized private void updateLocationsList()throws Exception {
List<LocationData> locations = getMgmt().getLocations();
Collections.sort(locations, new Comparator<LocationData>(){
public int compare(LocationData o1, LocationData o2) {
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
String sLocation;
for(Object location : locations){
sLocation = ((LocationData)location).getName();
if(getMainLocation() == null && sLocation!=null){
locationsList.add(new SelectItem(sLocation, sLocation));
private void updateLocationsForCascading() throws Exception {
List<LocationData> locationsForCascading = getMgmt().getLocationsForCascading();
Arrays.sort(locationsForCascading, new Comparator<LocationNaturalKeyDO>() {
public int compare(LocationData o1, LocationData o2) {
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
this.locationsForCascading = locationsForCascading;
LocationData mainLocation = new LocationData(this.mainLocation);
if (this.locationsForCascading.contains(mainLocation)) {
private void updateCascadedLocationsList() throws Exception {
LocationData cascadingLoc = new LocationData();
List<LocationData> cascadedLocations;
try {
cascadedLocations = getMgmt().getCascadedLocations(domNatKey, cascadingLoc);
Arrays.sort(cascadedLocations, new Comparator<LocationData>() {
public int compare(LocationData o1, LocationData o2) {
return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
this.cascadedLocations = cascadedLocations;
catch (Exception e) {
PortletLogger.debugLog("Error", e, this.getClass());
public String getMainLocation()throws Exception {
return mainLocation;
public void setMainLocation(String mainLocation) {
synchronized private void setMainLocation0(String mainLocation) throws Exception{
oldMainLocation = this.mainLocation;
this.mainLocation = mainLocation;
private void initializeLocationsLists()
locationsForCascading = new ArrayList<LocationData>();
cascadedLocations = new ArrayList<LocationData>();
* Get method for SelectedTab to get the tab page in the JSF page
public PortletTabs getPortletTabProperty() {
return portletTabProperty;
* Set method for SelectedTab to set the tab page in the JSF page to display the message
* @param portletTabProperty
public void setPortletTabProperty(PortletTabs portletTabProperty) {
this.portletTabProperty = portletTabProperty;
public MgmtIF getMgmt() {
return mgmt;
public List<LocationData> getLocationsForCascading() {
return locationsForCascading;
public void setLocationsForCascading(List<LocationData> locationsForCascading) {
if (oldMainLocation!=null && mainLocation!=null && oldMainLocation.equals(mainLocation)||oldMainLocation==null) {
this.locationsForCascading = locationsForCascading;
public List<LocationData> getCascadedLocations() {
return cascadedLocations;
public void setCascadedLocations(List<LocationData> cascadedLocations) {
if (oldMainLocation!=null && mainLocation!=null && oldMainLocation.equals(mainLocation)||oldMainLocation==null) {
this.cascadedLocations = cascadedLocations;
public class LocationDataConverter implements Converter {
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
String[] split = value.split("[&=]");
LocationData obj = new LocationData(split[1]);
System.out.println("MyConverter getAsObject: " + value);
return obj;
public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
LocationData obj = (LocationData) value;
System.out.println("MyConverter getAsString: " + value);
return obj.toString();
public class LocationData implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String location;
public LocationData(String location) {
this.location = location;
* @return the location
public String getLocation() {
return location;
* @param location
* the location to set
public void setLocation(String location) {
this.location = location;
* Returns the hashcode for this LocationData.
public int hashCode() {
return 37 * getLocation().hashCode();
* Returns whether this LocationData is equal to the LocationData passed in.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
LocationData obj = (LocationData) o;
if(o == null) return false;
if(this.getLocation() == null){
return obj.getLocation() == null;
return this.getLocation().equals(obj.getLocation());
public String toString() {
StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer();
a.append("location=" + this.getLocation());
return a.toString();
When page is loaded slowly and we have enough time to send multiple request choosing several lines in h:selectOneMenu, we can see this message:
"Component _js_MainMenuPortlet__dp_2__MSRSMgmtPortlet_:j_id_jsp_566537391_0:viewMyBean:j_id_jsp_626996794_1pc6:ls has invalid value expression location=Clients Location"
about value location=Clients Location" for rich:listShuttle
And I have no idea how to avoid this.
Could you give me any advices please?
thank you in advance anyway.