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1. Re: Autogrouping of application mbeans
tsegismont Jun 13, 2014 3:49 AM (in response to raylite3)Auto groups get created for resources:
- of the same type
- children of the same parent
Can you post your plugin descriptor?
2. Re: Re: Autogrouping of application mbeans
raylite3 Jun 17, 2014 12:34 PM (in response to tsegismont)Thanks, here is one such plugin that doesn't autogroup the mbeans it discovers.
rhq-plugin.xml 1.4 KB
3. Re: Re: Re: Autogrouping of application mbeans
tsegismont Jun 18, 2014 4:39 AM (in response to raylite3)Your plugin descriptor is ok: there is only one resource type definition so resources of this type discovered under the same parent should autogroup.
Consider the "Garbage Collector" type defined in the JMX plugin descriptor.
<service name="Garbage Collector" discovery="MBeanResourceDiscoveryComponent" class="MBeanResourceComponent" description="A garbage collector that collects one or more memory pool."> <plugin-configuration> <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true" default="java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=%name%"/> <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" readOnly="true" default="{name}"/> <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" readOnly="true" default="The {name} Garbage Collector for this VM."/> <c:simple-property name="name" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The garbage collector's name"/> </plugin-configuration> <metric property="CollectionCount" measurementType="trendsup" displayType="summary" description="Number of collections"/> <metric property="CollectionTime" measurementType="trendsup" displayType="summary" description="The amount of time spent in collection" units="milliseconds"/> <metric property="MemoryPoolNames" description="The names of the memory pools used by this type of garbage collector" displayType="summary" dataType="trait"/> </service> </service>
Here's how these services appear under the JVM resource of the RHQ Agent:
An autogroup is created, named "Garbage Collectors".
Would you mind posting a similar screenshot for you Cache services?
4. Re: Re: Re: Re: Autogrouping of application mbeans
raylite3 Jun 18, 2014 5:58 PM (in response to tsegismont)