I am trying to use the REST API (RHQ 4.9) to import a new ping service but when the service is created the IP address is not set. This makes the service non-functional until I set the IP address through the GUI, but I want to fully automate the configuration.
To create a ping service I noticed that ping services created through the GUI have the resourceName Ping <IP Address> but creating a ping service through REST with that nomenclature does not configure the connection settings for the service. I looked through the source of the REST endpoint org.rhq.enterprise.server.rest.ResourceHandlerBean and there does not appear to be a checks for any connection settings. I assume that the connection setting for the IP address must have to be done by an update.
Has anyone else tried to import a ping service and fully configure it through REST?
Hi Josepho,
Unfortunately, full support for creating resources has been added since RHQ 4.11. Resource or plugin configuration update is not yet implemented even now.