1. Re: Need help for implementing a Crypt/Decrypt service which listens on a network interface
ctomc Jul 1, 2014 5:57 AM (in response to anhamani)with so little input from your side, it is hard to tell you.
what is this service?
you want / need to use EJB / servlets?
does JCA fit?
is it low level service? did you consider writing server extension / subsystem?
2. Re: Need help for implementing a Crypt/Decrypt service which listens on a network interface
anhamani Jul 1, 2014 6:14 AM (in response to ctomc)thank you for reponding ,
the server must be in continuous work so i think EJB match
i have taken jca sample but i didn't how to install it and to use it as extension or subsystem
this is the example i use "http://www.mastertheboss.com/ironjacamar/create-your-first-jca-connector-tutorial" , but i dont know how to install and to instantiate it.
can i make the port number variable from a text file ?? can i use a batch in it because i have to check the connection every 5 seconds.
or can i just decrypt and redirect the socket to may war ???