1. Re: custom view of resources
tsegismont Jul 2, 2014 4:33 AM (in response to raylite3)It could be a custom portlet, but the recommended way is to serve a page:
- using the RHQ REST API
- hosted on a different server (could be just a static web server if you use only HTML/JS/CSS)
Feel free to ask more questions on the forum if you need help with the REST API.
2. Re: custom view of resources
jayshaughnessy Jul 2, 2014 9:08 AM (in response to raylite3)Hi, just out of curiosity, what sort of view are you looking for? We have availability displayed in lots of places so I was wondering what your desired view would be? Are you talking about a view that shows the availability history (the chart) for a lot of resources?
3. Re: custom view of resources
pathduck Jul 3, 2014 6:23 AM (in response to jayshaughnessy)I would love to have this possibility too. At the moment I use the All Groups view to have a quick way of telling status of all resources. I've been thinking of looking at custom portlets but not even sure what I want is possible technically.
Having the possibility to build a kind of "Boss View" would be great, like choosing what resources to show and having it fill a panel which could then be displayed full-screen on a monitor.
We have a custom page in Tivoli with icons for services and servers and I'd like something like that to be possible with RHQ as well.
However RHQ sees resources a bit differently, there is no clear 'hierarchy' for alerts so not sure how you'd make them propagate up through the logical levels.
I guess Redhat probably has something like it but probably in another product.
4. Re: custom view of resources
raylite3 Jul 3, 2014 1:11 PM (in response to pathduck)Right, I am looking for this kind of view of all my resources. I want to provide descriptions, icons, etc., to represent the servers/services.
So it looks like building a new app using the REST API might be the way to go.
5. Re: custom view of resources
genman Jul 3, 2014 10:47 PM (in response to raylite3)I used the RHQ CLI to build static pages. I used the underscore library for JavaScript with HTML templates to do it. http://underscorejs.org/
REST is better, of course, if you want to make interactive or real-time pages.