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1. Re: Richfaces 3.1.4 GA ,rich:DataScroller functionality failed on IE11 but works fine on IE8
juanmiguelbg Jul 23, 2014 6:06 AM (in response to potdar.harshal)I've updated the version 3.3.3.Final:
- I've upgraded and improved Sarissa.
- Solves the new bug with Chrome 36 and FileUpload.
- Updated with 3.3.4.Final security changes
My custom version works with IE between the 7 and 11 version without specify X-UA-Compatible header.
2. Re: Richfaces 3.1.4 GA ,rich:DataScroller functionality failed on IE11 but works fine on IE8
kosme10 Jul 31, 2014 7:06 PM (in response to juanmiguelbg)Version 3.3.4.Final doesn't solve the fileUpload problem, you can reproduce the bug using the showcase: anyone have any idea on how to solve it?