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1. Re: RHQ on WildFly 8.1
tsegismont Jul 23, 2014 10:04 AM (in response to mstknk)Hi,
Sorry for the delay.
This is not possible. RHQ is not only a Java EE app, it's also tied (as a subsytem) to the underlying container. The team rebases the RHQ codebase on new versions of EAP 6.x alpha as needed. The JBoss Operations Network runs on EAP 6.x GA
Future versions of RHQ will run on Wildfly.
What's your concern exactly?
2. Re: RHQ on WildFly 8.1
mstknk Aug 11, 2014 6:22 PM (in response to tsegismont)Hi Thomas ,
Thank you for your answer that is exactly what I wanted to know .
I just wanted to make sure that .Thanks