0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2014 8:46 AM by fancyerii

    how to speed up with a single jms producer


      because of memory leak proble, I switched from activemq to hornetq today. it's memory footprint is much smaller. That's great. But the speed is much slower than using activemq.

      In my usecase, I have a jms producer needs to send 5,000,000 persistent messages to a  queue very quickly(in activemq, it's about a few minutes). And a few consumers consume them for many hours.

      I use the default configuration except increate max heap to 2048M by -Xmx2048m(default 1024)

      And also enable page by:

             <address-setting match="jms.queue.fetch-queue2">





      How should I tune configurations to speed up it?

      with activemq, the time spent in sending 10,000 messages is about 2 seconds, but in hornetq, it use 20+ seconds.