1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 24, 2014 4:21 PM by kcbabo

    Simple jms send





      I am trying to send a message to a destination on hornetq from my camel route. I have done the following



      1. Added a config and unconfig cli files that create the queues= ( if they dont exist ) ala the jca outboud switchyard quickstart, modified the pom.xml to use these

      2. Created a reference service (testRef) that has a jca binding to the queue created in the above

      3. at the end of my camel route i did to("switchyard://testRef)



      I can see that the application runs without issues but i dont see anything populated in the queues.What step did i miss? I do the following warn message


      WARN  [org.apache.camel.component.direct.DirectProducer] (http-localhost/ No consumers available on endpoint: Endpoint[direct://%7Burn:switchyard-quickstart:camel-jaxb:1.0%7DPortRoute/ValidRequest] to process: Exchange

        • 1. Re: Simple jms send

          Enable message tracing for your application and check for any exceptions logged.  I would also add a log statement to your camel route before and after sending to the testRef endpoint to help isolate the message trace output you are interested in.